Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I find that Gambit doesn't get enough play anymore

According to the Marvel website (http://www.marvel.com) your favorite charming Cajun assassin/thief/mutant/telekinetic arsonist and mine hasn't received play in four years. How is it Charlie Sheen shows up on the news three times a day but Remmy LeBeau gets shafted for almost half a decade? This is distraughtening and a wrong that must be righted. I am, here and now, calling out for a new Gambit title to be released. His supporting roles are fine, I love his work with the X-Men, but the man deserves a steady Gambit title. If Marvel is desperate (and I can understand why, having recently been bought out by Disney) I'll write the storyline, pro bono. Why not give a young author a shot on a character with a huge fan-base (hell, release it as a gag comic, get some laughs and sales) and a rock-solid capability to fit into any plot? I say that if you're gonna leave your toys on a shelf for years and only dust them off to make a movie of questionable integrity, let the other kids have a chance to play.

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