Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This rash of comic book movies

Thor, The Green Lantern, Dark Knight Rises, and those notorious others. To this quasi-intrepid reader it would seem that Disney (recent buyer of Marvel Comics) has launched a media war with DC and, as the saying goes, when elephants wage war it's the grass that dies. I'm not saying these movies aren't good movies, I'm saying they're being used as weapons, violent cudgels with which the giants are bashing each other. In video game terms, it's the console wars of 2001 all over again, but now Mario has an UZI and the Master Chief has more of himself. Bad metaphor aside, this war is costing these movies their integrity, and while the explosions may be bright and the sound tracks epic, the characters are coming across wrong and story lines are crossing. I hope that we may one day return to the happiness we knew when Adam West was still the Bat and when Peter Parker was on saturday mornings with Ice Man.

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